I was talking to an elderly relative the other day. We were talking about life, and the current status of things in the United States.
I asked her to describe to me how she views the changes in our country during her lifetime. Here is her response:
Oh WOW ! There isn’t one item in this country that hasn’t changed.
I grew up in a wonderful country full of honesty and opportunity.
I grew up in a country where people were respectful and cared about each other. They believed in the Country and felt like the elected leaders would be honest and do their best to honor the promises they made.
My growing up years were in a time where we didn’t have to worry about our children being in their front yard unguarded. I could skate or play blocks from home and my parents
Weren’t afraid. I remember being allowed to walk downtown, by myself, to buy Christmas gifts for my family and walk home alone before dark. People respected each other and helped each other and cared even through disagreements. And when I got to be an adult with my own children, not a lot had changed.
Our children could walk to and from school without some creep assaulting or kidnapping them. Our children could hop on their bicycle’s and ride all over town anytime of the day and be safe. They could spend hours at a mall or a swimming pool and I never worried.
I remember watching the newscasts on TV. It didn’t matter which channel we watched. The reporters and newscasters gave us a view of both sides of any story or news events. Unlike today. Every channel is slanted one way or another. It isn’t like telling you both sides of a story and let YOU decide. Networks are so slanted one way or another. The world is fighting in one direction or another. Politicians promise the world to get elected and as soon as Election Day is over, those promises are forgotten.
Our children aren’t safe anymore. We have sexual predators roaming our streets waiting for an opportunity to grab a little child off the street. If a child wants to play outside, a parent has to “stand guard”. So sad.
People want more and more and more expensive toys. No one is satisfied with a simple life. Boats, cars, expensive toys to make them happy.
The criminal system is dissolving. Drugs and crime and illegal activities are tearing our cities apart. Riots are ruining our cities and no one seems to care. Everything that happens, regardless of what, becomes a racial issue which tends to cause more problems and division. This country is being torn apart.
All this sounds very negative I know, but that is how I see our country right now compared to days past. Compared to these days, past history has shown a calm and pretty peaceful time to have lived in.
Granted, there have been wonderful advancements in medicine and technology. Our lives are much easier with the inventions and scientific improvements and I enjoy those and the comfort they have brought.
But, I kind of wish we had the days of peace and quiet in such an uncomplicated world. I wish our children had the safety I had, and that they could grow up with no worries. Live happy, fun days as children. The “real” world will come soon enough. AND maybe something will happen to take us back to a happier time!!