You’ve seen them on many legal websites. Settlement calculators. They are supposed to give you an ‘accurate’ prediction of what exactly your case is worth. Really?
These are a cute advertising gimmick, but these have zero application in real life. Put that in big, bold capital letters: ZERO
There is not an experienced personal injury attorney alive that would even suggest that these have any validity. There is no universal method for someone to calculate every personal injury case, and there is no one set way that any two insurance company personnel do it. In addition, these “gimmicks” take in to account only a fraction of real world information compared to the many hours personal injury attorneys put into your case to determine what is a fair settlement for you.
I am often asked early on in a case: “What is my case worth?” My response: “That is a good question, but I cannot even begin to answer it. It is far too early and not enough is known about your case yet”.
Early on, if any attorney or law office staff member tells you that they CAN estimate the value of your case early on—don’t walk---RUN! No attorney can possible know this, no staff member can possibly know this and no computer settlement calculator can possibly no this.
If these tools aren’t accurate, what is the point of having them? A gimmick, plain and simple. Don’t place any stock or trust in them in the least.